Blackmagic’s NAB Update

So Close to the Perfect 4K ATEM

It’s been a while… around 7 and a bit months to be nowhere near exact. If you read my last post you can probably guess why. For those that haven’t, We welcomed Scarlett into our lives on the 13th of August and it has been a whirlwind of no sleep and screaming ever since, only about half was the baby!

But it’s that time of year again when I just have to say something about Blackmagic’s NAB offerings. I’m not sure what to make of this year’s offerings. Unlike other years they showed us a few things they have in development rather than something we could go out and buy.

This year they told us about the upcoming ATEM Television Studio 4K8, ATEM 4 M/E Constellation 4K, Davinci Resolve 18.5, Decklink IP HD Cards, 2110 IP converters and the new URSA Mini Pro 12K OLPF variant.

Now, I don’t use the Decklink cards, 2110 IP or any URSAs (not through lack of wanting as you’ve problem seen in my previous shopping lists) so won’t focus on them too much and I have to admit I’ve not used Davinci in quite a while. So I’m going to focus on the switchers for now and maybe revisit the rest at a later date.

The Television Studio 4K8

First things first, IT’S ABOUT TIME!!!

I know I’m not the only one who has been after a 4K version of the Television Studio since it had a built-in control panel. Unfortunately, whilst it’s been a long time coming I still think it’s making a few features or the wrong technologies have been implemented.

Let’s start with the big omission from the 4K8. There is no ISO option on this model. Whilst this can be worked around somewhat with the 8 extra aux outputs and sending the feeds of each input out to a video recorder, you still don’t have the Davinci Resolve file automatically generated which, for me, was one of the selling points of the ISO models. From what I can tell you also lose the ability to have remote camera feeds come in over the network also. I know that on some of my previous projects that have been spread across locations, where running massive cables was not an option, this would have been a killer feature and I’m really disappointed that it’s not available.

Another major gripe, The lack of Dante Support! I get that BMD seems to have gone all in on MADI but to me, that just doesn’t make sense for a large chunk of their market (schools, churches, community TV stations). Most of these groups will likely be using an audio mixer that can support Dante. It just adds additional expense to those that want to use the ATEM built-in Fairlight Audio Mixer. From what I have read online and from the people I’ve talked to though even with Blackmagic’s new(ish) ATEM microphone converter they’ll be processing their audio externally as Fairlight just doesn’t have the full feature set they expect from an audio mixer, let alone an actual control surface that can be used for live events.

Just imagine being able to plug your Dante stage box directly into your ATEM, with all the features of an A&H SQ7, and having a dedicated control surface. The only thing missing then would be lighting control and then you’d have a full Blackmagic Eco System for your events.

I’m daydreaming now but imagine the automation you could put in place if there was that full ecosystem. Slap a Que Stack on the ATEM and then you could technically run the lighting, sound and audio from one platform and have everything linked together. For example, if you were working a show that covers F1 and someone crashed and the safety car has come out, With the push of one button on the ATEM you could play a sound sting, play a graphic and change the lighting on set via DMX or Artnet.

Sorry about that mini ramble, I may expand on the idea in a future post, but my points about the lack of an ISO model and Dante stand. During the webcast, Grant mentioned that the reason for the lack of an ISO model was due to thermal constraints. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if the ATEM was a bit bigger and had a couple of extra fans in it to have the extra features an ISO model would bring.

My last gripe is that with the built-in internal storage, Why can’t we store video files and play them back from the media player? It’s not just me is it? This just makes sense to me. You’ve already got access to the recording via the network. Why not let us add extra videos and play them back via the media players? Limit it to H265, H264 and ProPress if you must but please just add it.

I’m also hoping that with the new naming scheme in the next few months, we are going to see larger models of the ATEM TVS 4K maybe 12, 16 or 20 input models. By the time you have added the key and fill for your graphics as well as a couple of Hyperdecks, you are down to 4 camera inputs (or 2 if you use the key and fill on your videos too!!)

The 4 M/E Constellation 4K

Again it’s about time. But again, I have an issue with it. Where’s the 2 M/E model?

For most of the production I’ve been involved with 40 Inputs are far too many. I’d basically end up paying a metric boatload extra for functionality that’s not going to get used. Don’t get me wrong I’d love to include it in one of my dream shopping lists but realistically it’s just too big.

It would have been nice to see the Remote Camera Stream feature built into the constellation too. This is an amazing feature that really should be pushed into everything if at all possible. If we get Iso as an added bonus even better!

There’s really not a lot else to say about the consolation in my opinion. It’s the baby brother of the 8K model and has all the same features. The only other thing I could mention would be the lack of Dante but I’ve had that rant already.

Well, that’s my opinion on the new ATEMs. I’m really happy there is a new 4K TVS but otherwise, I felt the whole thing was a bit underwhelming and they haven’t pushed the products as far as they could.

I’m hoping this means we have some truly spectacular products coming in the coming months. Maybe Grant is waiting on my post about my ideal Blackmagic Ecosystem to introduce a few of those products that I’m really after (probably not).

Let me know how you would like to Blackmagic expand its ecosystem in the comments below.

Jim (139)

Jim, with a vibrant career spanning 18 years in Customer Services and Event Production, has been on an exhilarating journey. From working in venues across the UK to being the go-to techie for some of his favorite bands, Jim’s passion for live events shines through.

He honed his skills at East Riding College, where he earned a BA in Contemporary Media, Design, and Production. These days, while he may not be as active in the live events industry, Jim keeps a watchful eye on the scene. His dream? To establish his own production house, championing local homegrown talent.

When he’s not immersed in the world of events, Jim enjoys family life with his wife and two children. And every now and then, he gets to share his intriguing discoveries through blog posts.

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