Another Addition to the Hope Clan
Blake Stephen Hope
Born on 6th March 2023 at 14:48 weighing 6lb 9oz
I’ve been a bit quiet over the last few weeks, a big part of that is due to the latest addition to the Hope Clan about a month ago (another factor is I kept breaking my website every time I tried to post but that’s a post for another day).
Due to Abi’s having preeclampsia, it was decided that Blake would be induced. Cue a week-long stay in Scarborough Hospital before the little man got here. It seemed every time we got somewhere Abi’s body had other ideas.
As a bit of a side note. the food at the hospital was amazing. The portions were good, the food tasted amazing and we were both full after each meal. We were joking about how we may end up having date nights at the hospital just so we could have more of the amazing food.
After having tried multiple methods to get Abi’s contractions started regularly I was sent home on Tuesday night and told to expect a phone call in the early hours of the morning to get my backside back to the hospital as they would be starting an Oxytocin drip that could drastically speed up the delivery process. Sure enough at around 5 in the morning, I got a call from Abi telling me to get to the hospital as they were getting everything kicked off.
Abi was absolutely amazing, they started the drip at about 9 and it took until about half past 2 for her contracts to get up to speed and stabilise (pretty sure that’s not the technical term) but once they had Blake shot out like a rocket and making his presence known.
Since then it’s been a bit of a whirlwind if I am honest. We both forgot what the sleepless night and feeding routine was like with Scarlett. Then we have the addition of Scarlett being 18 months old and not quite sure of what’s going on and not having our undivided attention any more. She’s been great though, to be honest, she loves her little brother and we haven’t had all that many tantrums over the last few weeks. We’re still getting used to everything but things seem to have settled down enough, but I think we both know it’s the calm before the storm.
That’s all I have for now and I’m not sure when my next post will be. I’m hoping sooner rather than later though so fingers crossed.
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