Tea, Crumpets & A New Mobile Internet Provider


Who doesn’t love Tea & Crumpets?


recently posted about how our internet provider SMARTY wasn’t really working out for us. So I thought I’d sit here whilst eating my morning crumpets and slurping my mug of tea and give you an update.


A few hours after my previous post went out on to twitter I got a message from one of SMARTY’s social media team who wanted to see if they could help me out. That was a really nice surprise, I never thought one of my random rants would have something come of it. After a bit of back and forth, the person I was talking to had offered a refund on my last payment as a way of apologizing for the rubish service and said there would be no hard feelings if we chose to go with another network. Whilst I have moved over to another network I have to give SMARTY credit for their customer service.


I have moved our mobile internet over to VOXI. I have two reasons for this. Firstly, both mine and Abi’s phones are already on VOXI and we get great coverage and service from them. Secondly, I will shortly start working for Vodafone, who own VOXI, and I no longer feel like I’m cheating on my future employer, plus this way I can get ahead of any rules in my contract that may stop me from using other networks (not that I think there will be).


Once I am working though we will be moving over to fibre broadband, again from Vodafone, as there is nothing quite like having a hardline internet connection. Though I don’t think that will stop Abi calling the internet the wifi, it doesn’t matter how many time I explain they are different things she’ll still call it wifi.


I received the VOXI SIM this morning and have started the activation process using portable 4G hotspot that we use when we go out and about as it can take a few hours for the SIM to join the network. For those that are interested, it’s a Huawei E5776s-32, or as we call it the pebble and has served us well in the 5 years we’ve had it. That will probably be one of the things I miss from having 4G home internet, the ability to take it with us wherever we go and not be dependant on wifi hotspots.


Well that’s my adventure so far but I’ll keep you updated, hopefully tomorrows post will be coming from a VOXI SIM not a SMARTY one. Have you had trouble with your ISP? Would you consider 4G/5G for your home network? Let me know in the comments below.


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