It’s Time For Something New
This May Change How My Posts Look
So I’ve done something either really cool or really stupid… or possibly both. I’ve installed a plugin that gives me access to the beta updates for WordPress. I know, I know, I shouldn’t try out beta software in a production environment but for me, this blog is also a testing ground for WordPress.
There are a few upgrades that I really like, such as the auto-update of themes and plugins, reinstalling plugins without having to delete the previous one, Native XML Sitemaps and Native Lazy Loading Images. The Gutenberg block editor has had a going over too and is cleaner and simpler to use. It’s still missing a few blocks but that is why I use the Kadence Blocks plugin (I would also use the Kadence theme as it’s fully customizable without the coding but it doesn’t work with Woo Commerce yet).
Over the coming weeks (rather than days no I’m working again 😁) I’ll be updating the pages on the site and giving them a new look as well as creating and implementing some site-wide cooler schemes, as everything is a bit ad-hoc at the moment. Unfortunately one of the few things I won’t be changing is the featured images. I’d really love there to be a plugin that I could use that I’d provide a couple of images and some text and it would create a simple featured image for the top of the blog posts.
For now though I shall leave it there. If you know of any plugins that will create a featured image for me then let me know in the comments below, or why not tell me what you want to see if future version of WordPress.
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