We Must Have a Ghost


And they really can’t cook!


Future Jim note:
nFor some reason this didn’t post when it was supposed to and has held up my posting queue. Not sure what happened but hopefully it’s all fixed now.


If my words seem a little muddled today there is a really good explanation for that. At 4.55 am this morning our fire alarm went off and I haven’t managed to get back to sleep yet to catch up on what I’ve missed. So I’m currently running on about 4 hours sleep, and while that may have been enough for Einstein it’s definitely not enough for me.


After spending an hour tracking down the source of the problem all I know is that our Kitchen sensor set it off. I have got three ideas to what could have caused it though. 1) the heat in the room from the morning sun could of set it off 2) We live above an Art Gallery that has their own Kilm, So the rising heat from that and the morning sun might have set it off 3) We have a ghost that can cook.


I think it’s most likely it is option two as the gallery reopened yesterday, after being shut due to COVID-19, but option 3 could still be a possibility. We’ve not had issues like this in the past though and the room didn’t feel all that hot so it may be time to get someone out to check on the fire alarm system.


I’m keeping this short as a fully intend to go for a nap to catch up on my missed sleep. Has the weather been plating havoc in your home? What do you think the cause of the problem could be? Let me know in the comments below.


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