Isolation Day 50: I think we have mastered Fortnite


No not Really!


As you may have gathered from a few of my posts over the last few weeks. We’ve taken up flaying fortnite to kill time during the lock down. I can safely say that I am as rubbish now as I was a few weeks ago, as the video bellow proves.


To be fair We’ve only done that jump at least 20 times and landed in the water just fine on at least 15 of them. Considering we had pulled an all nighter so Abi could win the points for her battle pass I don’t think I did too bad, we may have died but we both had a good laugh. I’m up at around level 60 now so not too bad I suppose for someone who hasn’t really played 1st person shooters, or games at all really.


Now I’ve finally got my streaming software setup on my laptop (see my post from a few days ago) I may even start streaming a few of out sessions, though Abi doesn’t want to be seen or heard so it may just be a stream of my screen and nothing else at the minuet until I can convince her otherwise.


Would you be interested is seeing us play fortnite? What other games would you recommend, preferable cross platform? Let me know in the comments bellow.


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