Isolation Day 24: Updating the Website
And You Probably Won’t Notice
Today has been an interesting one for me. I’ve been trying to get the website to load quicker and be a bit more secure among a few other things.
The great thing about wordpress is that most things you want to do can be achieved by installing a plugin. You hopefully won’t see many changes because of the plugins I’ve installed today as they all run in the background. The only change you should see is to the login page.
I’ve utilised all of WPMU’s free plugins to get the site a bit more secure and load faster along with a’s White Label plugin to change the login page and a few other features on the admin side of things.
I love how simple WPMU’s plugins are to use. It took me no more than 15 mins to get each plugin setup and running the tasks it asked me to. The same is true of the White Label plugin to.
I would highly recommend them to anyone who has a wordpress website.
It’s a bit of a short post today as I don’t particularly want to bore you senseless with how I tweaked each plugin as it will be different for every person that uses them.
What plugins do you use on your wordpress installation? let me know in the comments bellow.
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